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  • 執筆者の写真大会事務局

《6th Announcement》Prepayment is required to attend the Spring Conference! (Deadline: Monday, May 6th

For this coming 20th JASID Spring Conference in Rikuzentakata, the registration process is very different from the past conferences. Please note the following details below, and submit your registration form during the Golden Week holiday period!

The details of the registration and prepayment process can be found in the conference website.

1. Prepayment and pre-registration is required to attend this conference!!

· Prepayment and pre-registration is required in order to arrange transportation and lunch during the conference.

· We will give the receipt of your payment at the conference reception.

(It is not impossible to attend the conference without pre-registration, but please be advised that transportation service and lunch will not be provided.)

2. Pre-registration is required for the bus service organized by JASID as well!!

· If you’re planning to use the bus service on Saturday, June 15th from JR Ichinoseki Station at 7:40 to the conference venue Global Campus, please make sure to pre-register as well.

· Please be advised that you cannot use this bus service WITHOUT pre-registration.

3. The parking space is limited!!

· We recommend you to use public transportation due to the limited parking space at the conference venue.

· If you are planning to come by car, please be advised that we might ask you to park further away from the conference venue when the parking lot is full.

4. Shall we participate in the study tour on Sunday, 16th as well!?

· After the study tour, the bus can take you to the JR Ichinoseki Station (including the fee). So that you do not need to arrange your return-trip transportation.

· English translation is available during the tour.

· The registration process for the excursion study tour is separated from the registration process of the conference, so please check the study tour website for the details. (English page has been updated!!)

We have also update the conference special website. Please check it out for the latest information. We are looking forward to seeing you at this conference!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (

The 20th Spring Conference Secretariat

Prof. Kiyotaka Nakajima (Secretary General)

Prof. Jin Sato (Conference Committee)





参加できなかった方向けに、大会当日にお配りした要旨集を販売しています。 ①30周年を記念したエコバックのセット:1200円(税込・送料込) ②要旨集のみ:800円(税込・送料込) お申込方法は、以下の通りです。 ステップ1:ご希望の方は、7月31日(水)までに、以下情報を に メールでお送りください。 ★希望されるもの:上記①か② ★郵送先:要旨集をお送りす

《第9報》春季大会 直前情報

陸前高田大会にご参加の皆様 陸前高田での春季大会まであと1週間となりました。参加予定の皆様は下記の直前情報を注意深くお目通しください。関係者一同、現地でお待ちしております! 1)14日の前夜祭についてー民族衣装着用のお願いー 14日の午後2時半からは陸前高田コミュニティーホール(市役所の向かい)にて地元の県立高田高校とのコラボレーションによる前夜祭を実施します。前夜祭では民族衣装着用を奨励いたしま



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